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I am a Professor of Chinese History in the Department of History, and the UNESCO Chair in Environmental History.  My research focuses on the history of water.  My courses at the UA include Chinese Civilization, Modern China, Modern East Asia, East Asian Environmental History, Intro to the Study of 

Department of History
César E. Chávez Building, Room 415
1110 James E. Rogers Way
University of Arizona

Tucson, Arizona 85721


History, and Dimensions of Globalization.  For more, please see my "research" and "teaching" pages.


I have been at the UA for nine years after twelve years at Washington State University.  We love the beauty of the Sonoran Desert.  We bike, swim, and regularly enjoy those amazing sunsets!  In addition to being compelled by unique analytical approaches to history, I have a particular affinity for engaging historical narratives.

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